Literature Ireland
© Relógio D'Água Editores, 2010

© Relógio D'Água Editores, 2010

After Rain

William Trevor

Set predominantly in Ireland, the twelve stories in After Rain penetrate the inner lives of their characters to expose their precarious emotional equilibrium and to offer us a glimpse of our own existence. In "The Piano Tuner's Wife", a blind piano tuner's wonderful memories of his first wife are cruelly distorted by jealous second. The domestic sphere of many of the stories expands into the political in "Lost Ground", where the Troubles in Northern Ireland inform the rejection, and ultimate killing, of a young Protestant boy by his own kin. The title story, by contrast, escapes such an enclosed and forbidding fictional setting and grants its heartbroken female character an epiphany while studying a forgotten Italian artist's Annunciation.  

Viking 1996

Translated into: Portuguese, Vietnamese

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London, WC2R 0LT
United Kingdom


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