Literature Ireland

Richard Kearney

Richard Kearney was born in Cork and studied at University College Dublin, McGill University and the Sorbonne. He holds the Charles B. Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College and has previously taught at University College Dublin, the University of Paris (Sorbonne) and the University of Nice, among others. He is the author of over 20 books on European philosophy and literature (including two novels and a volume of poetry) and has edited or co-edited 14 more. He was formerly a member of the Arts Council of Ireland, the Higher Education Authority of Ireland and chairman of the Irish School of Film at University College Dublin. As a public intellectual in Ireland, Kearney was involved in drafting a number of proposals for a Northern Irish peace agreement. He has also presented five series on culture and philosophy for Irish and/or British television and broadcast extensively on the European media.

Recent publications include a trilogy entitled 'Philosophy at the Limit'. The three volumes are On Stories (Routledge, 2002), The God Who May Be (Indiana UP, 2001) and Strangers, Gods, and Monsters (Routledge, 2003). Since then, Richard Kearney has published Debates in Continental Philosophy (Fordham, 2004), The Owl of Minerva (Ashgate, 2005), Navigations (Syracuse University Press, 2007) and Anatheism (Columbia, 2009).


Translated books

Sam's Fall

On Stories