Literature Ireland
© Tyto Alba, 2004

© Tyto Alba, 2004

Kissing the Dark: Connecting with the Unconscious

Mark Patrick Hederman

The 20th century was probably the most disturbing the planet has endured. Of the discoveries that marked its prowess, access to the underground world of the unconscious was probably the most disturbing. This new dimension made everything we had thought about the world up to that date anachronistic. Every country, every person, has to undertake the archaeological probe which will open up that world. The reality of what we are, socially, psychologically, sexually, was left untended and the world of the unconscious sealed off or ignored. This is one of the reasons why we find ourselves in such turmoil and confusion. One of our major tasks at present is to acknowledge and appropriate the darkness which is an integral part of what we are as human beings.

This book is an attempt by one Irish monk to articulate the problem and to discover ways of facing our own peculiar darkness.

Veritas 1999

Translated into: Lithuanian

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